Interior  Search 

Entering into this desert (and deserted) experience many found that what had been believed as inescapable truth could not be removed.   They had often read about the commandments being written in the stone tablets of Moses;  and that man in general has a heart of stone;  and that God wishes to turn our hearts of stone into hearts of flesh;  and write on the human heart...they began to find that what they were looking for had been indelibly inscribed within their very souls.   What had been taught throughout the ages could not be destroyed by outside factors bent on destroying the Church, or by the desertion of their shepherds.   An inner freedom from dependance on cowardly deserting shepherds was wondrously and gently discovered.   They found that what God had given no man could take away.   That their High Priest in heaven had enshrined Himself within their hearts.   Having no access to the Sacraments  because countless  priests, bishops and cardinals had desecrated them and/or deserted the flock - they found they had not been left orphans.   Their love for the unchanging truths had born fruit through their suffering loyalty.  

                                       SOURCE  of   PRAYER  ENGRAVED
                                                    on the Human Heart

The Liturgy is itself  a means by which God is enabled to reach  down to his subject  providing the subject wishes to know and love God  through Christ..  It enables the traveller-seeker to accompany Christ from birth and throughout his public life.   More than that, it goes back to the beginning of man and opens up his future in relation to Christ.  It allows listening to a dialogue taking place between God and each prophet in the Old Testament, then hearing the apostles making sense of it in the New Testament - at the same time seeing where it all leads through the Gospels of the four evangelists.   

The true story of the two souls on their way to Emmaus is our true story.   Wondering and talking about the events that had just taken place with regard to the man Jesus Christ they couldn't understand what had happened and the rumours they heard regarding his resurrection or non- resurrection.   They were joined by a companion who entered into the discussion.  As they later claimed - the stranger had walked with them revealing the hisitory of the Old Testament and linking it with the New.   At the breaking of the bread he disappeared and they realised it was the risen Lord.   To assist at the sacrifice of the Mass where the breaking of the bread occurs is to open up to such allow this gentle stranger to travel with us explaining the very same things as were explained to the two men on their way to Emmaus.   Time vanishes and everything about God is there - laid out like a huge map where you can look at any part of it while you stand there.  Like standing in the middle of a huge circle that extends outwards with no limit, so that you can turn in any direction at will.    I think I have heard this described as existing in the NOW.   The NOW always is.

                                    KEEPING  THE  PROMISE  MADE  TO  ADAM

The liturgical cycle is repeated each year beginning with Christ's birth. It continues right through his time immediately prior to his 40 days in the desert (Lent), his Passion, Death (bearing our sins to meet the demands of justice that we could not pay) and Resurrection (Easter.) which conquers death as promised to Adam.   The death that is conquered is the two-fold death where Adam tested God putting a barrier up between himself and his creator, AND the resultant physical death which is the wages of sin.  Liturgical  prayer absorbs the soul into a state of being present in different places at the same time.   Firmly anchored in the present, the past and future open up in an organic whole.   The written history (scripture) and words from the pulpit provide reference points to a particular god revealing himself to a particular race of people through a man called Moses then continuing through a man called Jesus Christ.  These things can arouse interest but on their own they have little personal effect apart from curiosity ..... and ....wonderment.   When wonderment sets in the mind is opening up to the possibility, or even the probability that these things could have some direct bearing on us.   Holy men  prayed throughout the history of mankind for wisdom and left the world, living in deserts or caves until they penetrated the meaning of the scriptures, and whether it related to themselves.  They wrote down the understanding they received and began to live their lives according to what they had found.   They are now revered as saints in the Church...their writings enshrined within her bosom...passed on to those who similarly seek knowledge of the Divine.
I wished, and understanding was given me; and I called, and the spirit of wisdom came upon me;  and I preferred her before kingdoms and thrones, and esteemed riches nothing in comparison of her.   Neither did I compare unto her any precious stone, for all gold in comparison of her is as a little sand, and silver in respect to her shall be counted as clay.   I loved her above health and beauty, and chose to have her instead of light, for her light cannot be put out.....(Wisidom 7, 7-14)


The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is an ongoing event where Our Lord is continually interceding for us.  It is His action and does not depend on us for its continuance whether we are saint or sinner .   This is the real bulwark of our faith.

A seeker can only seek out what is there.  He has no part in creating what is there.  He cannot find something that is not there. No matter how good our intentions are, whilst we 'pray' with our natural senses we miss the boat.   We have to acquire a supernatural  gift from God in order to pray.    During  Mass you enter into a timeless state where prayer is a universal language that links you into the company of those who assisted at Masses since the church's inception, and where future generations link in to our time.   Thiis is because the celebration of the Eucharist is timeless and unchanging.   We can pray now in union with the saints, the angels because through reception of Holy Communion we are all united in, with and through Christ who has risen and exists eternally.   It is a profound Sacrament.     The best way to describe it is that  just as my natural  family is flesh of my flesh and blood of my blood, so too we become relatives of Christ and of each other in the supernatural (above-nature) dimension.  This condition cannot be entered into by believing words that the Church uses to define a cannot contemplate words..only what the words point to can be contemplated.   It is beyond belief actually.   The words can be pondered which indeed they must be if the resultant sense of 'wonder' is to find that for which it searches.   It then becomes the gift of faith.   This means that when wondering about the teachings of Mother Church  the grace can be received to understand  the mysteries of our faith limited only by our capacity to receive.   Even the greatest saint has a limit and even then there is more...ever more....with which the longing heart can only be increasingly satisfied when the time comes to pass from this world into the next where contemplation of the Divine becomes inexhaustible. 


There are so many dimensions to this Eucharistic diamond.   For example, we never have to ask God to do anything because He is doing it all the time.  The sacrifice of himself on my behalf is unceasing.   Infinity is spread throughout time and beyond - before and after time which can be visualised  as in the diagram as a straight line...but it gives a better idea when looking at the circle which has 360 degrees.  It  spreads out in every direction, but even that is not enough because each degree has a top and a bottom.   Infinity expands breaking through the top to an eternal beyond and casting and smashing through the bottom to free time from its prison.   Infinity absorbs time into itself.  Time comprises a multimillisecond of eternity if that.   It is as if infinity has opened up a fraction to let us in.  Time is so short and it is all but ready to end as infinity closes its doors.   This is my reason for jotting down these poor words.  So many people who do not know about many simple Catholics betrayed by those they many enemies succeeding in stifling the voice of Our Lord in his church calling out to us....Come to me all ye who have no money....come to me and drink....Even though a mother forget her child, I will never forget you...

Another way to describe Infinity is that what Our Lord is doing for me unceasingly he is doing for each and every person unceasingly as if he had as many lives as there are people. In addition, it means that his Sacrifice absorbed not only each  and  every  person,  but  each  and  every second  of  our  lives as  well. We have need of an infinite person to pay an  infinite price.  He proved his humanity in that a man can only die once and even then, he was killed.   Because he was also God, he established this miraculous way of remaining in our presence through the Blessed Sacrament at the centre of our faith, and in the centre of our hearts through Holy Communion.   And this is why nobody can take away or destroy the faith that has been received through the unchanging teachings of Mother Church.   It is why all the obfuscation, lies and deceits infecting the Church since Vatican II will die off.....everything natural dies off in the end.   Only that which is eternal lives on - indestructible.  

And finally, the mercy released through Christ's suffering covers every second of my existence and the existence of every man.   For the most part I am not conscious of it when getting about my daily life with its demands and distractions...yet it hovers there all the time  seeking to be received  offering to change my heart of stone into a heart of flesh.  

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